maandag, oktober 25, 2010

Studio New Look - Hair care & Visagiste in Essenstraat - HVP 10.10

Oi passengers !
Studio New Look is al weer jaren een toonaangevend opleidingsinstituut voor visagie, grime en hairstyling. Het is opgericht door Miranda van Altena die zelf na jarenlange werkervaring in Parijs, Italie en Nederland een eigen opleidingsinstituut in Haarlem opent.
Miranda heeft de nodige werkervaring en heeft met grote ontwerpers en modebladen gewerkt. (Jean Louis Scherrer, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Marie-Claire, Elle, Viva etc.).
Studio New Look, School voor visagie, grimeren en hairstyling 
Studio New look heeft een professioneel team van leraressen die ook nog werkzaam zijn in het vakgebied. Zij kunnen daarom de leerlingen altijd van de laatste trends op de hoogte brengen en veel vakkennis overdragen.

Het team van Studio New Look staat voor een modebewuste en gedegen visagisten en grimeurs opleiding waar je veel leert en vooral veel praktijkgerichte dingen doet.


Modellenparty's van 9 tot 18 jaar
Duur: 2,5 a 3 uur
Een dagje met je vriendinnen een make-up les volgen en dan in de praktijk brengen. Er mooi uit zien met de mooiste kleuren make-up. Daarna kan je als je ouders het goed vinden een fotograaf boeken die jullie als model op de foto zet en natuurlijk ook met zijn allen.
Bij binnenkomst krijg je eerst iets lekkers te drinken en eten, waarna we beginnen met een make-up les door een bekende visagiste. Zij legt jullie uit hoe je er met weinig make-up mooier uit kan zien. Daarna is het aan jullie om dit in de praktijk te brengen. Een andere mogelijkheid is jezelf op te laten maken door visagisten. Als je klaar bent staat de fotograaf klaar om jullie als echt model op de foto te zetten. Allemaal om de beurt en als groep krijg je ook een paar leuke foto's.
Alle foto's worden op cd gebrand en zijn voor de jarige. Zij kan ze weer naar iedereen toesturen die erbij was.
Grimeer party's van 6 tot 12 jaar
Duur: 2 uur - Voor jongens en meisjes bestaat er ook een grimeer partijtje. Alles gaat zoals hierboven behalve wordt je met grimeren niet mooier maar enger met wonden of stoer als kapitein, romantisch als prinsesje. Je mag na de les lekker zelf kliederen en schilderen onder begeleiding van een grimeurs. Natuurlijk is hier ook weer eten en drinken aanwezig.

zaterdag, februari 13, 2010

Haarlem seen from Daegu (South Korea) - The Project Gutenberg eBook

Hi Passengers !

Haarlem.EN presents tonight this podcast made by Jessica Fisher, a girl friend from Daegu (South Korea). It shows some of the history of Haarlem, Nederlands, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  
Thank you for this podcast over Haarlem... Let's discover now through this numeric report the works of Rembrandt by an eBook project called Gutenberg.

The Project Gutenberg eBook, Rembrandt and His Works, by John Burnet

This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever.  You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at 
Title: Rembrandt and His Works
Comprising a Short Account of His Life; with a Critical Examination into His Principles and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Colour. Illustrated by Examples from the Etchings of Rembrandt.
Author: John Burnet
Release Date: September 20, 2007 [eBook #22690]
Language: English

E-text prepared by Carl Hudkins, Chrome, David Garcia,
and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team

maandag, januari 25, 2010

Flying migrators over Haarlem - Bird migration - SMI 1.10

Hi Passengers !

Harlem.EN presents tonight this podcast about bird migration phenomenoms seen today in the skyline of Haarlem between 1.30 pm (beggining of the observation) and 5.30 (end of my observation). They have been thousands of flying migators coming from the west (the ocean) and going to the east (Germany).

They have flyed at a maximum of 500 meters above the ground due to an heavy weather full of clouds, snow is covering again the Netherlands since Saturday night and those birds must have certainly problems to migrate with this weather in the middle of January. I lived in Haarlem since 2001 and i have never seen that during the past Januaries in the North Holland skyline...
  • My questions are : Where they are coming from ? 
  • Where they are going and why now ? 
Feel free to let your answer in the ''BLABLA'' section in the endpost of this message !
I will be pleased to share some informations about this strange bird migration in the Dutch sky today (January 25/1/2010) with this animation made to understand what's happening upon our blue dot ?
Bird migration
is the regular seasonal journey undertaken by many species of birds. Bird movements include those made in response to changes in food availability, habitat or weather. These however are usually irregular or in only one direction and are termed variously as nomadism, invasions, dispersal or irruptions. Migration is marked by its annual seasonality. In contrast, birds that are non-migratory are said to be resident or sedentary.

Historical views

The earliest recorded observations of bird migration were 3000 years ago, as noted by Hesiod, Homer, Herodotus, Aristotle and others. The Bible also notes migrations, as in the Book of Job (39:26), where the inquiry is made: "Doth the hawk fly by Thy wisdom and stretch her wings toward the south?" The author of Jeremiah (8:7) wrote: "The stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed time; and the turtledove, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their coming."
Aristotle noted that cranes traveled from the steppes of Scythia to marshes at the headwaters of the Nile. Pliny the Elder, in his Historia Naturalis, repeats Aristotle's observations. Aristotle however suggested that swallows and other birds hibernated. This belief persisted as late as 1878, when Elliott Coues listed the titles of no less than 182 papers dealing with the hibernation of swallows. It was not until early in the nineteenth century that migration as an explanation for the winter disappearance of birds from northern climes was accepted.

The discovery in Germany of white storks embedded with African arrows provided early clues on migration. One of the oldest of these Pfeilstorch specimens was found in 1822 near the German village of Klütz, in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Threats and conservation

Human activities have threatened many migratory bird species.The distances involved in bird migration mean that they often cross political boundaries of countries and conservation measures require international cooperation. Several international treaties have been signed to protect migratory species including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 of the US and the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement.

The concentration of birds during migration can put species at risk. Some spectacular migrants have already gone extinct, the most notable being the Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius). During migration the flocks were a mile (1.6 km) wide and 300 miles (500 km) long, taking several days to pass and containing up to a billion birds.
Other significant areas include stop-over sites between the wintering and breeding territories. A capture-recapture study of passerine migrants with high fidelity for breeding and wintering sites did not show similar strict association with stop-over sites.
Hunting along the migratory route can also take a heavy toll. The populations of Siberian Cranes that wintered in India declined due to hunting along the route, particularly in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Birds were last seen in their favourite wintering grounds in Keoladeo National Park in 2002.

Structures such as power lines, wind farms and offshore oil-rigs have also been known to affect migratory birds. Habitat destruction by land use changes is however the biggest threat and shallow wetlands which are stopover and wintering sites for migratory birds are particularly threatened by draining and reclamation for human use.

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